We offer our patients world-class comprehensive plastic and reconstructive surgery services using state-of-the-art equipment and innovative surgical techniques.
Reconstructive Plastic Surgery
Maxillofacial surgery, orthognathic surgery, facial bone fractures and facial trauma
Post-oncologic reconstruction of the facial regions and other parts of the body, maxillary and mandibular reconstruction by free tissue transfers
Treatment of cleft lip and cleft palate and their secondary deformities
Hand surgery including replantation, correction of congenital hand anomalies
Microvascular free tissue transfers employing microsurgical techniques
Management of acute and chronic wounds (wound healing unit)
Treatment of chronic wounds: pressure sores, diabetic wounds, venous ulcers
Treatment of benign and malignant skin tumors

Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
Facial rejuvenation by using non-invasive, minimally invasive and surgical methods
Face-lifting procedures
Surgical correction of prominent ears and other ear deformities
Cosmetic orthognathic surgery, mentoplasty, facial implants, correction of chin deformities
Body contouring
Liposuction and liposculpture
Breast surgery, breast augmentation by prosthesis, breast reduction, mastopexy, immediate or delayed post-mastectomy, breast reconstruction by autologous tissue or expander-prosthesis
Lower extremity varices treatment by endolaser and sclerotherapy, laser treatment of spider veins
Oncoplastic & breast reconstructive surgery for breast cancer
Immediate Reconstruction: performed at the same time as the mastectomy
Delayed Reconstruction: performed at a later time after the mastectomy or radiation therapy or chemotherapy