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"Focused on Cancer, Specialized in YOU"

Learn from a survivor:

" I was given the best medical service, which I didn't even imagine it existed. Care was amazing.
Every year when I arrive at Anadolu Medical Center it feels like coming back home - this is the place that gave me a second chance; this is the place that took me back to life." 
- CK,  US


Our patients can benefit from a full range of cancer care and support services from robotic surgery to radiosurgery, targeted immunotherapy and chemo/radioembolization to palliative care with us. 


More than Treatment...


You will have access to a full range of services, including prevention, early detection, education, nutritional guidance, survivorship and psychological support. It is a journey and we are here to help every step along the way. Our main goal is to provide a treatment plan that fits your whole life.

Comprehensive multidisciplinary cancer care

Medical Oncology

The Medical Oncology Department provides diagnosis and treatment of most cancer types in addition to preventive measures. Treatment and observation plans for cancer patients are developed through a multi-disciplinary approach in cooperation with the departments of surgery, radiology, pathology, nuclear medicine, internal medicine and radiation oncology. Throughout treatment and post treatment period, patients are taken care of by the patient support and palliative care teams, including specialists in algology (pain management), nutrition and psychology. 

Medications can be administered in different ways. While some of them are chemotherapeutic medications (cytotoxic) designed to destroy tumor cells, others inhibit tumor development and proliferation (targeting agents, cytostatics). Yet another group of medications include hormones and supportive care.


Certain types of tumors care only susceptible to the chemotherapy treatment method. Some tumors require a follow-up or simultaneous use of chemotherapy and radiotherapy, while others may require chemotherapy before or after surgery. The entire duration and frequency of use depends entirely on the chemotherapy programme selected specifically for the patient's condition. 

Treatments include:

  • Chemotherapy 

  • Immunotherapy

  • Targeted drug therapy

  • Hormone therapy 

  • Other systemic treatments

Immunotherapy (also called biological therapy and biotherapy) is a type of treatment which stimulates the body's own immune system to fight cancer. Immunotherapy includes a variety of treatments that work in different ways: some are intended to boost the immune system defenses in a general way; others help train the immune system to recognize and attack cancer cells specifically

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Radiation Oncology

We connect you with the most advanced radiation oncology technologies and provide most up-to-date cancer care. 

CyberKnife M6


CyberKnife M6 is a rare robotic surgery device dedicated to stereotactic radiosurgery today with its presence ensuring patient comfort and easy applications compared to conventional systems. It is profoundly used in malignant or benign diseases localized in the brain, tumors localized in the spine, head and neck, lung, pancreas, liver, adrenal and prostate glands.

General specifications of CyberKnife M6:

  • Reduced treatment duration with high dose speed.

  • Less side effects, excellent protection for surrounding tissues and organs.

  • Painless procedure.

  • Ambulatory treatment, no hospitalization required.

  • Non-invasive.

  • No invasive metal frame screwdown to the head or body. 

  • No anesthesia.

  • No breatholding required with organ motion tracking during treatment.

  • No recovery period. Fast return to normal activities for patients. 

cyberknife M6 machine

Varian Edge


Varian Edge is a device that can apply many treatment techniques such as IMRT, VMAT, SRS and SBRT on the same platform. The key points of the Varian Edge system are precision and treatment accuracy. The entire system works with mechanical precision below 1 millimeter. Thus, it is possible to carry out tumor irradiation with millimetric accuracy while preserving the healthy organs in the environment with the same sensitivity. All tumors inside the head and body can be treated with this device.




Radixact, another Accuray product, is the most recent model of a device family known as "tomotherapy". Helical drug delivery is its most important feature. The system is a combination of megavoltage computed tomography function and linear accelerator. Device consists of  two arrays of multileaf collimator and 6 MV linac system. The irradiation is applied by a gantry with continuous rotation, similar to a cıomputed tomography device.

Main treatment methods performed with Radixact are:

  • Intensity-Modulated Radiotherapy (IMRT, 3DCRT)

  • Image-Guided Radiotherapy (IGRT)

  • Adaptive Radiotherapy 

  • Total and Half Body Irradiation (TBI)

radixact machine
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Surgical Oncology

Urological Oncology

We connect you with a team of specialists who can diagnose and treat urological conditions such as prostate, bladder, renal and testicular cancers, adrenal gland and retro-peritoneal tumors.

Orthopedic Oncology

Treatment for malign bone and soft tissue tumors, osteosarcomas, Ewing syndrome, chondrosarcomas, fibrosarcomas, metastatic carcinomas, myelomas, and other metastatic bone tumors. We offer extremity-preserving surgical methods to protect the limb after the tumor is removed. Specializing in medical oncology, radiation oncology, pediatric oncology, orthopedic surgery, and pathology.

Thoracic Surgery

Thoracic Surgery department can operate on congenital deformities of the thoracic, acquired tumors, tumors and obstructions of the respiratory tract, congenital and acquired surgical diseases of the lung, and surgical diseases of the esophagus and diaphragm.

Gynecological Oncology

We provide you surgical treatments of tumors of the female reproductive system, including cervical, endometrial, and ovarian cancers. After all the treatment options are analyzed, then we offer the most suitable prodecedure to you.

Neuro- Oncology

Neurosurgical oncology involves the diagnosis and surgical treatment of benign and malignant brain, spinal, and peripheral nerve tumors. Dealing with brain and spinal cancers requires a comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach. For this reason, Medical Oncology, Radiation Oncology, Neuroradiology and Neuropathology departments work in close collaboration.

General Surgery

Surgeries related to breast cancer and endocrine system cancers, including thyroid and adrenal tumors are performed. It also undertakes laparoscopic operations for colorectal and gastrointestinal system cancers, including those affecting the stomach and hepatopancreatic-biliary structures. Along with traditional treatments, we use minimally invasive methods for gallbladder and some types of liver cancers.

ENT Oncology

Benign and malignant cancers in the head and neck areas, including many types that arise at the base of the skull, in addition to salivary and parotid gland tumors in cooperation with our other departments. Thanks to our navigation systems, we can also address hard-to-treat tumors.  

happy cancer patient celebrating health
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Breast Center

Single-point access for all aspects of breast cancer screening and treatment. We offer our patients a simple pathway in the screening, diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer within the overwhelming journey of cancer patients. 

  • ​Patients are evaluated with multidisciplinary team approach. 

  • Active and systematic structure where patients can find all their answers to their questions. 

  • Case management system that provides coordination between patients and medical departments. 

Which services do we provide?

  • Examination and subsequent immediate mammography, ultrasonography, and biopsy (if necessary).

  • Routine screening for early detection of breast cancer.

  • The testing, evaluation, and detailed examination (when necessary) of women at high risk of breast cancer. 

  • Surgery or other medical treatment in the event of a diagnosis.


multidisciplinary approach to breast health

Pediatric Oncology

We plan the treatment of children and teens with a variety of solid malignancies, including bone and soft-tissue tumors, liver and kidney tumors, neuroblastoma, retinoblastoma, and rare tumors.

The teams include Radiologists, Pathologists, Pediatric surgeons, General Pediatricians, Neuro/Spine surgeons, Neurologists, Radiation Oncologists, Orthopaedics, Urologists, and Thoracic Surgeons who have the expertise to correctly diagnose, operate, and treat a patient's cancer/tumor along with Pediatric Oncologists. All of this is delivered in a child-friendly environment for our patients and families during a difficult time in their lives. Latest clinical techniques are used to improve outcomes and quality of life for our patients. 

Offering patients the most advanced diagnostics and treatments available, including: 

  • Pediatric surgeons who have the expertise in removing pediatric solid tumors

  • Expert diagnosis by pathologists who use molecular diagnostic testing to identify tumor type and predict which treatments are more likely to work 

  • Offer I-131 MIBG therapy for children with relapsed neuroblastoma 

  • Limb sparing surgery for osteosarcoma 

  • Interventional radiologists who use minimally invasive radiofrequency ablation to help eliminate tumors 

  • Advanced Radiation Oncology Treatments (e.g. CyberKnife, TrueBeam)

  • Free of charge expert medical second opinions

The diseases which are treated at the unit are as follows: 

  • Malignant - Non-malignant brain and spinal cord tumors

  • Wilms' tumor

  • Neuroblastoma

  • Rhabdomyosarcoma and other soft tissue tumors

  • Osteosarcoma Germ cell tumors

  • Retinoblastoma

  • Histiocytoses

  • Endocrine tumors

  • Hemangioma and other vascular anomalies

  • Lymph node enlargement

  • Neurofibromatosis

  • Benign tumors

Child patient with doctor
patient with doctor

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