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Bülent Karagöz, M.D. Prof.

Bülent Karagöz, M.D. Prof.

Medical Oncology


In 1992, he graduated from Gülhane Military Medical Academy. Between 1993-1995, he worked in Cyprus Turkish Peace Forces Command. He completed his specialization education in Internal Diseases between 1995-1999. Between 1999-2003 he worked as an Internal Medicine Specialist in Çorlu Military Hospital. In 2001, he served at NATO's Kosovo KFOR Command. Between 2003 and 2006, he completed the Minor Specialization Training on Medical Oncology. In 2004, he completed Applied Flow Cytometry training at Istanbul University (DETAE), in 2005 Basic Epidemiology Course in GATA, in 2009 and 2017, he completed the Ethical Approach in Clinical Research courses organized by the Ministry of Health General Directorate of Pharmaceuticals and Pharmacy. In 2007, he was appointed as Assistant Professor. In 2011, he received the title of Associate Professor. Between 2012- 2017, he served as Head of Medical Oncology Section of Internal Medicine Department of GATA Haydarpaşa Training Hospital. He became a full professor in 2017 at Istanbul Okan University. Between 2017-2019 he worked as the Head of Internal Diseases Department at Istanbul Okan University, Faculty of Medicine. He also served as the Head of the Internal Medicine and Medical Oncology Departments and Chair of the Medical Ethics Committee.


1992 Gülhane Military Medical Academy Military Medical Faculty

1999 GATA Haydarpasa Training Hospital, Internal Medicine Specialist training

2006 GATA Haydarpasa Training Hospital, Medical Oncology Minor Specialist training


Turkish Medical Oncology Society


TUMOR Biology Course, Medical Oncology Association, 2003.

Applied Flow Cytometry Training, Istanbul University (DETAE), 2004.

Basic Epidemiology (Research Methods and Analysis Techniques in Health) Course, GATA Command, 2005.

Ethical Approach in Clinical Research Course, Ministry of Health General Directorate of Pharmaceuticals and Pharmacy, 2009 and 2017 (twice).


1. Kandemir, E. G., A. Mayadagli, B. Karagöz, O. Bilgi, O. Turken ve M.Yaylacı, “Prognostic Significance of Thrombocytosis in Node-negative Colon Cancer,” J Int Med Res, 33 (2), 228-235 (2005).

2. Karagöz, B., S. Süleymanoglu, G. Uzun, O. Bilgi, S. Aydınöz, A. Haholu, O. Türken, Y. Önem ve E. G. Kandemir, “Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Does Not Potentiate Doxorubicin- induced Cardiotoxicity in Rats,” Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol, 102 (3), 287-292 (2008).

3. Bilgi, O., B. Karagöz, O. Turken, E. G. Kandemir, A. Ozturk, M. Gumus ve M. Yaylacı, “Peripheral Blood Gamma-Delta T Cells in Advanced-Stage Cancer Patients,” Adv Ther, 25 (3), 218-224 (2008).

4. Erikçi, A. A., A. Öztürk, B. Karagöz, O. Bilgi, O. Türken, C. Top ve E. G. Kandemir, “Results of Combination Therapy With Amifostine, Pentoxifylline, Ciprofloxacin And Dexamethasone in Patients with Myelodysplastic Syndrome and Acute Myeloid Leukemia,” Hematology, 13 (5), 289-292 (2008).

5. Aydinoz, S., G. Uzun, H. Cermik, E. M. Atasoyu, S. Yıldız, B. Karagoz ve R. Evrenkaya, “Effect of Different Doses of Hyperbaric Oxygen on Cisplatin-Induced Nephrotoxicity,” Ren Fail, 29 (3), 1-7 (2007).

6. Erikçi, A. A., B. Karagöz, A. Öztürk, S. Çaglayan, G. Özısık, i. Kaygusuz ve M. Özata, “The Effect of Subclinical Hypothyroidism on Platelet Parameters,” Hematology, 14 (2), 115- 117 (2009).

7. Karagöz, B., O. Bilgi, M. Gümüs, A. A. Erikçi, Ö. Sayan, O. Türken, E. G. Kandemir, A. Oztürk ve M. Yaylacı, “CD8+CD28- Cells and CD4+CD25+ Regulatory T cells in The Peripheral Blood of Advanced Stage Lung Cancer Patients,” Med Oncol, 27 (1), 29-33 (2010).

8. Erikçi, A. A., B. Karagöz, M. Özyurt, A. Ozturk, S. Kılıç ve O. Bilgi, “HLA-G Expression in B Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia: A New Prognostic Marker?” Hematology, 14 (2), 101- 105 (2009).

9. Karagöz, B., O. Bilgi, E. G. Kandemir, Ö. Sayan, A. A. Erikçi, A. Özgün, B. Yılmaz ve A. Öztürk, “Decreased NKG2D Expression on Natural Killer Cells in Gastric Cancer Patients”, UHOD, 19 (1), 42-47 (2009).

10. Karagöz, B., O. Bilgi, A. Alacacıoglu, A. Özgün, Ö Sayan, A. A. Erikçi ve E.G. Kandemir, “Mean Platelet Volume Increase after Tamoxıfen, but not after Anastrazole in Adjuvant Therapy of Breast Cancer,” Med Oncol, 27 (2),199-202 (2010).

11. Karagöz, B., O. Bilgi, E. G. Kandemir, A. A. Erikçi, Ö. Sayan, Ö. Alpaslan, B. Yılmaz, O. Türken, A. Alacacıoglu, A. Öztürk, “CD4+CRTH2+ Cells in Advanced Stage Non Small Cell Lung Cancer,” Central European Journal of Medicine, 5: 431 (2010).

12. Karagöz, B., I. Sücüllü, Ö. Sayan, O. Bilgi, T. Tuncel, A. I. Filiz, E. Yücel, A. Özgün, A. A. Erikçi, A. Alacacıoglu ve E. G. Kandemir, “Platelet indices in patients with colorectal cancer”, Central European Journal of Medicine, 5: 365 (2010).

13. Özgün, A., B. Karagöz, O. Bilgi, E. G. Kandemir ve O. Türken, “The Prognostic Significance of Comorbidity and Relation of Comorbidity with the Other Prognostic Factors in Patients with Non Small Cell Lung Cancer”, UHOD, 19 (2), 63-68 (2009).

14. Cetinkaya H, Karagoz B, Bilgi O, Ozgun A, Tuncel T, Emirzeoglu L, Top C, Kandemir EG. Nesfatin-1 in advanced lung cancer patients with weight loss. Regulatory Peptides 2013;181:1-3.

15. Ozgun A, Karagoz B, Bilgi O, Tuncel T, Baloglu H, Kandemir E.G. MicroRNA-21 as an Indicator of Aggresive Phenotype in Breast Cancer. Onkologie 2013; 36: 115-118.

16. Tuncel, T., B. Karagoz, A. Haholu, A. Ozgun, L. Emirzeoglu, O. Bilgi ve E.G. Kandemir, “Immunoregulatory Function of HLA-G in Gastric Cancer.” Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2013;14(12):7681-4.

17. Ozgun A., B. Karagoz, T. Tuncel, L. Emirzeoglu, S. Celik ve O. Bilgi, “Clinicopathological features and survival of young Turkish patients with testicular germ cell tumors.” Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2013;14(11):6889-92.

18. Haholu A., U. Berber, B. Karagöz, T. Tuncel, O. Bilgi ve D. Demirel, “Is there any association of glutathione S-transferase T1 (GSTT1) and glutathione S-transferase M1 (GSTM1) gene polymorphism with gastric cancers?” Pol J Pathol. 2013;64(4):247-52.

19. Karagoz B., A. Haholu, A. Ozgun, O. Bilgi, T. Tuncel, L. Emirzeoglu, S. Celik ve D. Demirel. “HLA-G in Testicular Germ Cell Tumors.” Oncol Res Treat. 2014;37: 245–248

20. Bilgi O., B. Karagoz, O. Turken, M. Gültepe, A. Ozgun, T. Tuncel, L. Emirzeoglu, S. Celik, T. Müftüoglu ve EG. Kandemir.. “CD4+CD25high, CD8+CD28– cells and thyroid autoantibodies in breast cancer patients.” Central Eur J Immun 2014; 39(3): 338-344.

21. Tuncel T, Ozgun A, Emirzeoglu L, Celik S, Bilgi O ve Karagoz B. “Mean platelet volume as a prognostic marker in metastatic colorectal cancer patients treated with bevacizumab- combined chemotherapy.” Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 15(15):6421-3 (2014)

22. Adayener, C., I. Akyol, B. Sen, F. Ates, A. Haholu, H. Soydan ve B. Karagöz, “Sertoli Cell Tumor of The Testis: A Case with Late Metastasis,” Int Urol Nephrol, 40 (4), 1005-1008 (2008).

23. Karagöz, B., O. Bilgi, I. Akyol, A. Ozgun, O. Turken ve E. G. Kandemir, “Cerebrovascular Accident after Chemotherapy for Testicular Cancer,” Mil Med, 174 (3), 320-321 (2009).

24. Karagöz, B., A. Ayata, O. Bilgi, G. Uzun, M. Ünal, E. G. Kandemir, A. Özgün, O. Türken, “Hemicentral Retinal Artery Occlusion in a Breast Cancer Patient Using Anastrazole,” Onkologie, 32 (7), 421-423 (2009).

25. Turken, O., C. Basekim, A. Haholu, B. Karagöz, O. Bilgi, A. Ozgun, Y. Kucukardalı, Y. Narin, Y. Yazgan ve E. G. Kandemir, “Hyperammonemic Encephalopathy in A Patient with Primary Hepatic Neuroendocrine Carcinoma,” Med Oncol. 26 (3), 309-313 (2009).

26. Erikçi, A. A., Ö. Sayan, B. Karagöz, Z. Büyükodacı, ve M. Velioglu, “Intracerebral Plasmacytoma as an Initial Presentation of Multiple Myeloma”, Central European Journal of Medicine, DOI:10.2478/s11536-009-0104-8 [Elektronik basım] (2009).

27. Karagöz, B., O. Bilgi, A. Özgün, A. Alacacıoglu, B. Yılmaz ve E. G. Kandemir, “Autoimmunity and Thyroid Dysfunction During Sunitinib Treatment in Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma”, Endocrinologist,19 (5), 224-225 (2009).

28. Bilgi, O., B. Karagöz, H. Çermik, O. Türken ve E. G. Kandemir, "A Case of Neck Metastasis in Early Stage of Gastric Carcinoma", UHOD, 20 (2), 119-121 (2010).

29. Filiz, A. I., I. Sücüllü, Y. Kurt, O. Okul, Z.Küçükodacı, ve B. Karagöz, “Seminoma presented with acute abdomen due to ileum perforation”, Central European Journal of Medicine, DOI: 10.2478/s11536-009-0128-0 (2009).

30. Çalıskan T, A. Ozgun, E. Demirer, A. Haholu, B. Karagöz ve Çiftçi F. Agressive and HIV-negative HHV8-unrelated Primary Effusion-like Lymphoma with T-cell phenotype: A Rare Case Report. Acta Medica Mediterranea, 30, 127-130 (2014)

31. Ozgun A, Tuncel T, Emirzeoglu L, Celik S, Bilgi O, Haholu A, Urhan M, Karagoz B. Malignant melanoma and papillary thyroid carcinoma that were diagnosed concurrently and were treated simultaneously: A rare case report and review of the literature. Oncology Letters 2014.

32. Tuncel T, Ozgun A, Emirzeoglu L, Celik S, Bilgi O, Karagoz B. Broca’s Aphasia due to cisplatin-based chemoterapy: Case report and review of the literature. Oncology Letters, 2014.

33. Akyol AE, Karagöz B, Bilgi O. Regulatory T cells in patients with Idiopatic Thrombocytopenic Purpura. Turk J Hematol 2016; 33: 153-155

34. Turken, O., B. Karagöz, O. Bilgi, B. Dogan, E. G. Kandemir ve E. Kunter, “Oral Etoposide-Iinduced Leucocytoclastic Vasculitis in A Patient with Lung Carcinoma,” J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol, 21 (9), 1297-1298 (2007).

35. Atasoyu, E. M., O. Bigi, R. C. Kinalp, B. Karagöz, A. Haholu, S. Ünver ve T. R. Evrenkaya, “Cutaneous Kaposi’s Sarcoma Fallowing Immunosuppressive Therapy for Membranoproliferative Glomerulonephritis”, Clinical Nephrology, 72 (5), 420-421 (2009).

36. Bilgi, O., B. Karagöz, A. Alacacıoglu, A. Özgün, T. Tunçel ve E. G. Kandemir, “Irinotecan and cisplatin vs cyclophospamide, doxorubicin, and vincristine as second line treatment after platinum and etoposide in small cell lung cancer”, J BUON, 15 (2), 395 (2010).

37. Ozgun A, Tuncel T, Emirzeoglu L, Bilgi O, Karagoz B. Epidemiological characteristics of patients who died of cancer in the Haydarpasa Training Hospital, Istanbul. Croatian Medical Journal 2012;53(6):645.

38. Karagoz B. ve Bilgi O, Systemic Treatment in Ductal Carcinoma in situ. The Journal of Breast Health 2013; 9: 44-7.

39. Erikçi, A. A., A. Öztürk, Ö. Sayan, O. Bilgi ve B. Karagöz, “Acute lymphoblastic leukemia presented with priapism”, Balkan Military Medical Review, 11, 146-147 (2008).

40. Bilgi O, Karagoz B, Alacacioglu A, Tuncel T, Ozgun A, Emirzeoglu L, Kandemir EG. The effect of Cisplatin-Etoposide Chemotherapy on platelet parameters in lung cancer patients. Disease and Molecular Medicine 2013; 1(2): 35-38.

41. Karagoz B. ve O. Bilgi, Individualized Systemic Treatment of Lung Cancer. Disease and Molecular Medicine 2013; 1(1): 15-18.

42. Karagöz B, Bilgi O, Özgün A, Emirzeoglu L, Çelik S ve Özet A. ‘’Long term survival with the combination of interferon and chemotherapy in metastatic melanoma.’’ J Egypt Natl Canc Inst. 27(3): 2015: 61-3.

43. Karagöz B, Özgün A, Emirzeoglu L, Tunçel T, Çelik S, Bilgi O ve Kara K. “ Long- term survival after Lapatinib Rechallenge in Isolated Brain Metastasis of HER2-positive Breast Cancer” J Breast Health 2015; 11: 48-51.

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