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Murat Dökdök, M.D.

Murat Dökdök, M.D.

Interventional Radiology


2005-present Anadolu Medical Center affiliated with Johns Hopkins (Radiologist&Interventional Radiologist)

2012-2013 University Hospital of Zurich (Fellow of Interventional Neuroradiology)

2004 Harvard Medical School-MGH (Neurointerventional Radiology - Short Term Fellow)

2004 University of Minnesota - Center for Magnetic Resonance Research (High field MRI, Functional MRI, Diffusion Tensor Imaging - Post doc. Associate)

2000-2004 Istanbul Memorial Hospital (Radiologist&Interventional Radiologist)

1998-1999 Istanbul University, Cerrahpasa Medical School (Girisimsel Radyoloji - Nöroradyoloji Bilim Dalı (Interventional Radiology Residency)

1995-1998 Göztepe Hospital (Radiology Residency)

1989-1995 Istanbul University, Cerrahpasa Medical School (Medical School)


ESMINT Diploma European Society of Minimal Invasive Neurological Therapy 2016

EDINR European Diploma in Neuroradiology European Society of Neuroradiology 2014

Interventional Neuroradiology Certificate of Fellowship University Hospital of Zurich 2013

EBIR European Board of Interventional Radiology Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiological Society of Europa 2010

United States Medical Licensing Exam-Clinical Knowledge 2004

Interventional Neuroradiology Visiting Fellowship Harvard Medical School- MGH 2004

Post Doctoral Associate for Magnetic Resonance Research Center University of Minnesota 2004

Turkish Radiology Board 1999

Diploma of Medicine Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty 1995


2017&2018&2019 EBIR Examination Material Contributer Certificate CIRSE

2017 IOB (Institutul Oncologic Buceresti) Congress, Buceresti May 18-20, (certificate of excellence IOB)

2015 5. Ulusal Alzheimer Kongresi, April 2-5 2015, Mugla. (best poster award)


Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology Society of Europe-CIRSE

CVIR Endovascular reviewer-2019

Society Of Interventional Radiology- SIR

European Society of Minimally Invasive Neurological Therapy- ESMINT

Turkish Society of Interventional Radiology Türk Girisimsel Radyoloji Dernegi-TGRD

European Society of Radiology-ESR

Türk Radyoloji Dernegi

Türk Nöroradyoloji Dernegi

Consultant of Terumo


100+ national and international publications&presentations

LookForMed Health Tourism 2024

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