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Mehmet Taner Özdemir, M.D.

Mehmet Taner Özdemir, M.D.

Orthopedics- Sarcoma surgery


He was born in Erzurum, Turkey, in 1974. He entered Gülhane Military Medical Academy (GMMA) in 1990 and graduated in 1996. He then reentered GMMA for orthopedic specialization in 1996 and began his assistantship, which he completed in 2003. His specialization thesis was on “Composite Bone Graft Closure of Large Bone Defects Resulting from Bone Resections.” He conducted both clinical and experimental studies on this topic. His experimental research focused on cell culture and the pathway from mesenchymal stem cells to mature osteoblast formation, and his preclinical studies investigated the closure of critical bone defects in animal models.

Throughout his assistantship and specialization, he conducted clinical and experimental studies related to orthopedic oncology. Most of his national and international publications are on orthopedic oncology. He has 13 publications in international refereed journals, 5 in national refereed journals, and has presented numerous oral and poster presentations at national and international congresses.

From 2002 to 2003, he worked with Prof. Dr. Joseph M. Lane at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York, USA. Prof. Lane is still the president of the musculoskeletal oncology and metabolic bone disease departments at Weill Cornell Medical College. During his assistantship, he also collaborated with Prof. Dr. Kaan Erler in the field of orthopedic oncology. His main areas of interest in orthopedics are orthopedic oncology, trauma surgery, and arthroscopy.


Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Association. TOTA

Tota, Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors Department

European Musculoskeletal Oncology Society, EMSOS


  1. Myositis ossificans around shoulder following military training programme. Kir MC, Ozdemir MT. Indian J Orthop. 2011 Nov;45(6):573-5. doi: 10.4103/0019-5413.87142.

  1. Repair of long bone defects with demineralized bone matrix and autogenous bone

    composite.Ozdemir MT, Kir MÇ. Indian J Orthop. 2011 May;45(3):226-30. doi: 10.4103/0019-5413.80040.

  1. Type 1 neurofibromatosis and adult extremity sarcoma. A report of two cases. Demiralp B, Ozdemir MT, Erler K, Basbozkurt M. Acta Orthop Belg. 2007 Jun;73(3):403-7.

  1. Sequential avulsion of the anterior inferior iliac spine in an adolescent long jumper. Yildiz C, Yildiz Y, Ozdemir MT, Green D, Aydin T. Br J Sports Med. 2005 Jul;39(7):e31.

  1. Treatment of AO type C2-C3 fractures of the distal end of the radius with external fixation]. Kömürcü M, Kamaci L, Ozdemir MT, Atesalp AS, Basbozkurt M. Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors Department European Musculoskeletal Oncology Society, EMSOS Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2005;39(1):39-45.

  1. Reconstruction of defects following bone tumor resections by distraction osteogenesis. Erler K, Yildiz C, Baykal B, Atesalp AS, Ozdemir MT, Basbozkurt M. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2005 Apr;125(3):177-83. Epub 2005 Feb 19.

  1. Treatment of proximal fibular tumors with en bloc resection. Erler K, Demiralp B, Ozdemir MT, Basbozkurt M.Knee. 2004 Dec;11(6):489-96.

  1. Giant cell tumor of tendon sheath simulating giant cell tumor of bone: report of a case. Erler K, Demiralp B, Ozdemir MT, Kaya A, Basbozkurt M.J Surg Orthop Adv. 2004 Summer;13(2):124-7.

  1. [Successful results of total femoral resection and prosthetic replacement in two patients]. Erler K, Demiralp B, Ozdemir MT, Basbozkurt M.Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2004;38(1):79-84. Turkish.

  1. Rupture of the pectoralis major muscle in a paratrooper. Komurcu M, Yildiz Y, Ozdemir MT, Erler K.Aviat Space Environ Med. 2004 Jan;75(1):81-4.

  1. Chondroblastoma of the distal femur. A case report. Erler K, Yildiz C, Demiralp B, Ozdemir MT, Basbozkurt M. Acta Orthop Belg. 2003 Oct;69(5):467-72.

  1. Does false aneurysm behave like a sarcoma? Distal femoral arterial false aneurysm simulated a malign mesenchymal tumor. A case report and review of the literature. Erler K, Ozdemir MT, Oguz E, Basbozkurt M. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2004 Jan;124(1):60-3. Epub 2003 Oct 24. Review.

  1. Tissue engineered cartilage on collagen and PHBV matrices. Köse GT, Korkusuz F, Ozkul A, Soysal Y, Ozdemir T, Hasirci V. Biomaterials. 2005 Sep;26(25):5187-97.


  1. Brachial plexus injury after anterior shoulder displacement. M. Kömürcü, U.H.Ulas, M.T. Özdemir, K. Koca, A.S. Atesalp. Gülhane tıp dergisi 44(4):453-456, 2002.

  1. Clear cell sarcoma. A.Özcan, K Erler, M.T. Özdemir, B. Celasun. Gülhane tıp dergisi, 45(1)88-91,2003.

  1. Echinococcus infestation of quadriceps femoris muscle misdiagnosed as a soft tissue tumor. K.Erler, M. Komurcu, M.T. Özdemir, U.B. Özkal, M. Basbozkurt, Ö. Günhan. Turk. J. Med.Sci. 33:127-30, 2003.

  1. Approaches to Bone Tumors. K.Erler, M.T.Özdemir, C.Yıldız, M.Basbozkurt. Sendrom, Haziran 2003

  1. Medical Illustration in Orthopedics. M.T. Özdemir, T.F. Hidayetoglu. H. Bölükoglu, K.Erler. 2003


  1. Closure of ilizarov's bone defects after treatment of bone tumors. M.Basbozkurt, K.Erler, C. Yıldız, M.T. Özdemir. 3. Türk ortopedik onkoloji kongresi. 13-15 Ekim 2000, Izmir.

  2. Tumor-like lesions in the differential diagnosis of bone and soft tissue tumors. K.Erler, C. Solakoglu, M.T.Özdemir, S.Tunay, M.Basbozkurt, 17.Ulusal ortopedi ve travmatoloji kongresi. 24-29 Ekim 2001, Antalya.

  3. Our clinical experience in total hip revision arthroplasty. S.Tunay, I.Yanmıs, V. Kırdemir, M.T. Özdemir, E.Gür. 17.Ulusal ortopedi ve travmatoloji kongresi. 24-29 Ekim 2001, Antalya.

  4. False aneurysm originating from distal femoral artery. M. Kömürcü, M.T.Özdemir, K.Erler, M. Basbozkurt. 4. Türk ortopedik onkoloji kongresi, 3-5 Ekim 2002, Istanbul.

  5. Our long-term results in our TMTS prosthetic treatments and the treatment of our complications. M. Kömürcü, M.T. Özdemir, K.Erler, M. Basbozkurt. 4. Türk ortopedik onkoloji kongresi, 3-5 Ekim 2002, Istanbul.

  6. Functional evaluation after total femur prosthesis. M.T. Özdemir, M. Kömürcü , K.Erler, M. Basbozkurt. 4. Türk ortopedik onkoloji kongresi, 3-5 Ekim 2002, Istanbul.

  7. Clear cell sarcoma. A.Özcan, K.Erler, M.T.Özdemir, B.Celasun. 16. Ulusal patoloji sempozyumu. 15-19 Ekim 2002, Pamukkale


  1. Tissue engineered cartilage on collagen and PHBV8 matrices. G.Köse, F.Korkusuz, A.Özkul, Y.Soysal, M.T. Özdemir, C.Yildiz, V.Hasirci. 4. International cartilage repair society (ICRS) syposium June 15-18, 2002, Toronto, Canada.

  2. Preoperative high dose chemotherapy plus autologous PBSCT and limb salvage in non-metastatic high grade osteosarcomas. K.Erler, M Basbozkurt, F Arpacı, B Demiralp, M.T Ozdemir, E. Gur. 16. European Musculoskeletal Oncology Society (EMSOS) Meeting, 7-9 May 2003, Budapest, Hungary.

  3. Muscle strentgh after total femoral replacements due to osteosarcoma. K.Erler, Y.Yıldız, B Demiralp, M.T Özdemir, M Basbozkurt, E. Gür. 16. European Musculoskeletal Oncology Society (EMSOS) Meeting, 7-9 May 2003, Budapest, Hungary.

  4. Reconstruction of defects following bone tumor resections by distraction osteogenesis using bone transport. K.Erler, M Basbozkurt, B Demiralp, M.T Özdemir, E. Gür. 16. European Musculoskeletal Oncology Society (EMSOS) Meeting, 7-9 May 2003, Budapest, Hungary.

  5. Prosthetic reconstruction of skeletal defects due to resection of primary bone tumors with Turkish Musculoskeletal Tumor Society (TMTS) Prosthesis. K.Erler, M Basbozkurt, B Demiralp, M.T. Özdemir, E. Gür. European Musculoskeletal Oncology Society (EMSOS) Meeting, 7-9 May 2003, Budapest, Hungary.

  6. Our treatment results with soft tissue sarcomas. K.Erler, M. Komurcu, M.T. Ozdemir, M. Basbozkurt, E.Gur. Congress of Balkan Military Medical Comittee. 6-10 October 2002, Athens, Greece.

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