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Ayhan Erdemir, M.D. Assoc. Prof.

Ayhan Erdemir, M.D. Assoc. Prof.

General and Oncological Surgery


1994 Fırat University Medical School, Elazıg


2003 Dr. Lütfi Kırdar KEAH, General Surgery, Istanbul


2006 Republic of Turkey Maltepe University Medical School, Istanbul


International scientific publications

1) Mustafa Haksal, Yasar Ozdenkaya, Ali Emre Atici, Nuri Okkabaz, Nihat Aksakal, Ayhan Erdemir, Osman Civil, Mustafa Oncel. Safety and Feasibility of Laparoscopic Sigmoid Colon and Rectal Cancer Surgery in Patients with Previous Vertical Abdominal Laparotomy. Int J Surg. Sept 2015 Vol 21 Pages:97-102 doi:10.1016/j.ijsu.2015.07.687.

2) Kebudi A, Manukyan MN, Uludag M, Erdemir A, Citgez B, Severge U: Aberrant breast cancer. Breast J 13(5): 532-533, 2007.

3) S. Unalmıser, A. Erdemir, L.Çelik, Richter hernia in the umblikal trocar site following Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy. Laparoscopy Today 3-1 - LSR V2 N[3]v1

International scientific presentations

1) A.Erdemir, F.Gezen, N.Benzonana, T.Çinçin, C.Mentes. Effects of Metronidazole on Bacterial Translocation in an obstructive joundice animal model. Fourth Mediterranean Emergency Medicine Congress (MEMC IV). Oral abstract session, 15-19 September 2007, Sorrento, Italy.

2) A.Erdemir, S.Kihtir, H.Bilgel, F.Gezen, O.Aydıner, O.Yapıcıer, M.Kement. A rare cause of recurrent gastrointestinal hemorrhage: Gaint stromal tumor(GIST). Fourth Mediterranean Emergency Medicine Congress (MEMC IV). Poster session, 15-19 September 2007, Sorrento, Italy

3) S.Vural, C.Gezen, F.Onuray, M.Karakoç, A.Erdemir, G.Dalkılıç, C.Mentes, A.Alıcı. Consevative management of a patient with tracheal trauma: a case report. The Third Mediterranean Emergency Medicine Congress, 1-5 september 2005, Nice, France

4) M.Karakoç, S.Vural, C.Gezen, A.Erdemir, C.Mentes, F.Onuray, E.Bastürk, T.Akın. Focused assessment with sonography for trauma (FAST): experience in blunt abdomnal trauma. The Third Mediterranean Emergency Medicine Congress, 1-5 september 2005, Nice, France

5) C.Gezen, S.Vural, A.Erdemir, G.Dalkılıç, E.Tuncay, N.Süslü, T.Akın, M.Karabulut. Traumatic diaphragmatic injuries. The Third Mediterranean Emergency Medicine Congress, 1-5 september 2005, Nice, France

National scientific publications

1) A.Erdemir, C. Uygur. Factors Affecting Robotic Surgery and the Learning Curve. Türkiye Klinikleri J Urology 2015;6(1):1-9

2) A. Erdemir, F. Agalar, M. Çakmakçı, S. Ramadan, H. Baloglu. A rare cause of mechanical intestinal obstruction; Pharmacobezoar. Ulusal Cerrahi Derg 2015;31:92-3

3) A. Erdemir, S Kihtir, H Bilgel, Ö. Aydıner, A. Bozbas. A rare cause of mechanic obstrucition: Primary Internal Pericecal Hernia. Causepedia. 2014;3:726

4) F Agalar, A. Erdemir, O Karadeniz, S Ramadan, F Güçer, C. Uygur. Pelvic Exenteration: Colon Rectal Diseases Journal. 23(4); 212-217:2013

5) S.Sezgin Ramadan, Ö, Yapıcıer, S. Kihtir, A. Erdemir, T.H.Doga, I.N.H.Üskent, H.Onat, M.Çakmakçı. Cerrelaiton of HER 2/neu gene amplification with immunohistochemistry and other prognostic factor in breast carcinoma. Türk Patoloji dergisi. 2011,27:196-202.

6) A.Erdemir, U.Severge, N.Aytug, Ö.Peker, S.Unalmıser. Mide lipomu. Türkiye Klinikleri J Med Sci 2005, 25:732- 735.

7) A.Erdemir, TG Çinçin, C Mentes, G. Dalkılıç, FC Gezen, D.Yavuzer, M.Çalıkapan. Changes in Intestinal Absorption Capacity in Obstructive Jaundice. An Experimental Study. Contemporary Surgery Journal. 19(2):49- 53, 2005

8) TG Ç,nçin, A Erdemir, N Süsülü. A new parameter in the diagnosis of empty organ injury. Contemporary Surgery Journal. 19(2):66-70, 2005

9) T.G.Çinçin, C.Gezen, M.Öncel, A.Erdemir, S.Vural, G.Dalkılıç, F.Onuray, B.Tüzün, M.Karakoç. Is is possible to follow up patients with blunt abdominal trauma by hemodynamic stability and abdominal examination? Kartal Training and Research Hospital Medical Journal vol: XV:3 :162-165, 2004.

10) A.Erdemir, C.Mentes, F.Onuray, C.Gezen, M.Öncel, S.Vural. A series of cases involving four retrorectal tumors operated using the posterior approach. Kartal Training and Research Hospital Medical Journal vol: XV 1: 28-30, 2004

11) S.Vural, S. Çil, T.G.Çinçin, A.Erdemir, N.Süslü, F.Onuray. The importance of endoscopic biopsy for malignancy in patients with chronic epigastric pain and dyspepsia. Kartal Training and Research Hospital Medical Journal vol: XV:3 :14-17, 2004.

12) C.Mentes, A.Erdemir, E.Tuncay, C. Gezen, F.Onuray, S.Vural. Our treatment approaches to traumatic spleen pathologies on a year basis. Kartal Training and Research Hospital Medical Journal vol: XV:1 :-4, 2004.

13) C.Mentes, T.G.Çinçin, A.Erdemir, N.Süslü, E.Olcay. A technical modification to change local hemodynamics in end-to-side anastamosis in arteriovenous fistulas at the wrist level. National surgery journal vol:19, no:3, S:163-167, 2003

14) S.Vural, T.G.Çinçin, G.Dalkılıç, C.Mentes, A.Erdemir, M.ÇAlıkapan. Mesh plug method in inguinal hernia repair. National surgery journal vol:19, no:2, S:111-114, 2003

15) C.Mentes, A.Erdemir, T.G.Çinçin, G.Dalkılıç, E.Tuncay, S.Vural. The effect of intraperitoneal lavage on complications with metronidazole in secondary peritonitis. Kartal Training and Research Hospital Medical Journal vol: XIV:1 :8-10, 2003.

16) G.Dalkılıç, A.Erdemir, N.Süslü, T.Erginel, E.Olcay. Importance of diagnostic peritoneal lavage in penetratings stab wounds of the abdomen. 5th European Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery free papers. Ulusal travma dergisi, vol:8, num:4 October 2002

17) S.Vural, A. Erdemir, G.Dalkılıç, F.C.Gezen, T.G.Ç,nçin, E.Olcay. Comparison of our clinical experiences and the literature regarding primary partial closure in pilonidal sinus surgery. National surgery journal vol:18, no:2, S:118-122, 2002

18) N.Kurt, M.Öncel, S.Gülmez, Y.E.Altıntas, H.F.Küçük, A. Erdemir. The consequences of operations performed with low TSH values in patients with goiter. National surgery journal vol:18, no:5-6, P:261-265, 2002

19) F.C.Gezen, M.Öncel, G.Dalkılıç, A. Erdemir, E.Akgün, M.Aydınlı, N.Kurt, S.Vural, E.Olcay. The value of preoperative ultrasonography in patients with acute cholecystitis. Kartal Training and Research Hospital Medical Journal vol: XII:1-2-3 :56-58; 2001.

20) N.Kurt, M.Öncel, E.Tuncay, F.C.Gezen, A. Erdemir, E.Olcay. Ulcer treatment after primary raphy in patients with duodenal ulcer perforation. Kartal Training and Research Hospital Medical Journal vol: XI:3 :896-900, 2000.


1) Cerrahpaşa Surgery Meetings: Minimal Invasive Colorectal Cancer Surgery. 6-7 December 2014, Istanbul

2) XIVth National Colon and Rectum Surgery Congress. 15-19 May 2013, Antalya

3) 18. th National Surgery Congress, 23-27 May 2012, Izmir

4) Basic Life Support Training Certificate, Medical Center, Kocaeli, 2012

5) 1st National Robotic Surgery Congress, 10-12 March 2011, Istanbul

6) 10. th National Endoscopic Laparoscopic Surgery Congress, 27-30 April 2011, Istanbul

7) 10. th National Endoscopic Laparoscopic Surgery Congress, Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery Course 27-30 April 2011, Istanbul

8) Bakırköy Medicine Days “New methods and technologies”, 23-24 April 2010, Titanic Port Hotel, Bakırköy, Istanbul

9) Hernia Istanbul 2010, October 6-9, 2010, Istanbul

10) NOTES Single incision laparoscopic surgery symposium, 19-20 February 2010, American Hospital, Istanbul

11) Bakırköy Medicine Days “New methods and technologies”, 23-24 April 2010, Istanbul

12) Cerrahpasa surgical meetings “Single-incision/Nonscar laparoscopic surgery, SILS” 15-16 May 2010, Istanbul

13) 1. Minimal Invasive Surgery Congress 30 April-3 May 2009, Girne-TRNC

14) IIIrd Çukurova Colo-Proctology Stoma-Therapy symposium, 12-14 April 2007, Adana

15) American College of Surgeons, Turkey Division Meeting, 2-3 June 2007, Istanbul

16) Vth National Trauma and emergency surgery congress, 16-20 November 2005, Antalya

17) VIIIth National Breast Diseases Congress, 21-24 September 2005 Istanbul

18) American Collage of Surgeons Division of Education Continıing Medical Eduation Certificate, september 17-18,2005, Istanbul

19) American College of Surgeons, Turkey Division Meeting, 17-18 September 2005, Istanbul

20) Çukurova Colo-Proctology Stoma-Therapy symposium, 14-16 April 2005, Adana

21) Bursa Surgery Association Regional Meeting “Thyroid and Parathyroid Surgery”, 26 May 2005, Bursa

22) Consensus meetings for lung, breast and gastrointestinal cancers, 09-11 March 2006, Istanbul

23) ASM-Johns Hopkins Conferences,12 May 2006, Istanbul

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