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Ahmet Nadir Tosyalı, M.D.

Ahmet Nadir Tosyalı, M.D.

Pediatric Surgery


Dicle University Faculty of Medicine, Diyarbakır-Turkey


Yeditepe University Faculty of Medicine, Pediatric Surgery and Pediatric Urology Department, Istanbul-Turkey

Istanbul University Cerrahpasa Faculty of Medicine, Pediatric Surgery and Pediatric Urology Department, Istanbul-Turkey

Dicle University Faculty of Medicine, Pediatric Surgery and Pediatric Urology Department, Diyarbakır-Turkey


2010- Present Pediatric Surgeon, Anadolu Medical Center Anadolu Hospital (In Affiliation with Johns Hopkins Medicine), Gebze-Kocaeli, Turkey

1997-2010 Pediatric Surgeon, Özel Isviçre Hastanesi, Istanbul-Turkey 1995-1997 Pediatric Surgeon, Özel Göztepe Hastanesi, Istanbul-Turkey

1994-2010 Pediatric Surgeon, Istanbul Göztepe Egitim ve Arastırma Hastanesi,Istanbul-Turkey

1989-1994 Pediatric Surgeon, Dicle University Faculty of Medicine, Diyarbakır- Turkey


Pediatric Urology

Surgery of Newborn Pathologies

Pediatric Oncologic Surgery

Pediatric Thoracal Surgery

Pediatric port insertion

Pediatric burn and wound management


Pediatric Surgery Board Certification

Laparoscopic Surgery Certification

Hypospadias Surgery Certification

Genitoplasty Certification

Pediatric Oncology Certification

Occupational Health Certification


Turkish Pediatric Surgeons Society

Turkish Pediatric Urology Society

Sexual Evolution and Hypospadias Society

Turkish Medical Association


  1. Anorectal Malformations and Repair Training, 1989

  2. International Hypospadias Trainings 1, 1992; 2, 2012; 3, 2012

  3. Video Endo-Laparoscopic Surgery Basic Training, 1995

  4. Pediatric Urodynamics Training, 1995

  5. International Sexual Development Disorders and Repair Training, 1996

  6. Occupational Physician Certification, 1998

  7. Undescended Testis Workshop, 2004

  8. International Undescended Testis and Associated Anomalies Workshop, 2004

  9. World Hypospadias and Sexual Development Disorders Workshop, 2005

  10. Neonatal Resuscitation Progam Certificate, 2007, 2010

  11. Pediatric Oncology Education Workshop, 2010

  12. Videourodynamics Application in Children Workshop, 2010

  13. Current Approached in Sexual Development Defects Workshop, 2012

  14. Basic Life Support Education, 2012, 2014

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